
flightlinez 1flightlinez 2flightlinez-Full_Moon


1644 Nevada Hwy
博尔德城, NV 89005
702.293.6885 info@flightlinezbootleg.com

It’s time to Zipline over the Mojave Desert. All participants will complete four different ziplines. Between the four runs guests will cover over 8,000 feet (1.5 英里) as you travel at speeds up to 60+ mph down the Red Mountains in Boulder City, NV. The whole experience will last around 3 hours. There is some moderate hiking in the beginning to get to the first zipline. 我们护送客人从办公室,进入飞行学校的地方为客人提供方向, 线束, 与示范 Flightlinez 安全程序. 一旦你已经完成了飞行学校, 一个乘坐景区公交车和温和的加息会带来客人的第一个四奔跑. 当您完成, 的Flightlinez总线拿起旅行团穿梭大家回到办公室巡演开始. 结合4 Flightlinez 运行, 经验丰富的导游和旅游咨询时间,可让您在无边无际的美丽的峡谷; 盗版峡谷是拉斯维加斯的吸引力,让每个人都感觉像一个胜利者.


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